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anion exchange

anion exchange [CHEM] A type of ion exchange in which the immobilized functional
groups on the solid resin are positive


anion [CHEM] An ion that is negatively charged

animal charcoal

animal charcoal [CHEM] Charcoal obtained by the destructive distillation of animal
matter at high temperatures; used to adsorb organic coloring matter.

animal black

animal black [CHEM] Finely divided carbon made by calcination of animal bones or
ivory; used for pigments, decolorizers, and purifying agents; varieties include bone
black and ivory black

aniline hydrochloride

aniline hydrochloride [ORG CHEM]C6H5NH2 HCl White crystals, although sometimes
the commercial variety has a greenish tinge;melting point 198 C; soluble in water and
ethanol; used in dye manufacture, dyeing, and printing

aniline-formaldehyde resin

aniline-formaldehyde resin [CHEM] A thermoplastic resin made by polymerizing ani
line and formaldehyde

aniline dye

aniline dye [ORG CHEM] A dye derived from aniline

aniline N,N-dimethyl

aniline N,N-dimethyl See N,N-dimethylaniline

aniline black

aniline black [ORG CHEM] A black dye produced on certain textiles, such as cotton, by
oxidizing aniline or aniline hydrochloride

aniline C6H5NH2

aniline [ORG CHEM]C6H5NH2 An aromatic amine compound that is a pale brown liquid
at room temperature; used in the dye, pharmaceutical, and rubber industries


anilide [ORG CHEM] A compound that has the C6H5NH2 group; an example is benzanilide, C6H5NHCOC6H5.

anilazine C9H5Cl3N4

anilazine [ORG CHEM]C9H5Cl3N4 A tan solid with a melting point of 159–160 C; used
for fungal diseases of lawns, turf, and vegetable crops

anhydrous sodium sulfate Na2SO4

anhydrous sodium sulfate [INORG CHEM]Na2SO4 Water-soluble, white crystals with
bitter, salty taste;melts at 888 C; used in themanufacture of glass, paper, pharmaceu-
ticals, and textiles, and as an analytical reagent

anhydrous sodium carbonate

anhydrous sodium carbonate See soda ash

anhydrous plumbic acid

anhydrous plumbic acid See lead dioxide

anhydrous phosphoric acid

anhydrous phosphoric acid See phosphoric anhydride

anhydrous hydrogen chloride

anhydrous hydrogen chloride [INORG CHEM] HCl Hazardous, toxic, colorless gas used
in polymerization, isomerization, alkylation, nitration, and chlorination reactions;
becomes hydrochloric acid in aqueous solutions

anhydrous ferric chloride

anhydrous ferric chloride See ferric chloride

anhydrous ammonia

anhydrous ammonia [INORG CHEM] Liquid ammonia, a colorless liquid boiling at
33.3 C

anhydrous alcohol

anhydrous alcohol See absolute alcohol


anhydrous [CHEM] Being without water, especially water of hydration


anhydride [CHEM] A compound formed from an acid by removal of water

anharmonic oscillator spectrum

anharmonic oscillator spectrum [SPECT] A molecular spectrum which is significantly
affected by anharmonicity of the forces between atoms in the molecule

angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy [SPECT] A type of photoelectron spec
troscopy which measures the kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted from a solid
surface and the angles at which they are emitted relative to the surface. Abbreviated


anethole [ORG CHEM]C10H12O White crystals that melt at 22.5 C; very slightly soluble
in water; affected by light; odor resembles oil of anise; used in perfumes and flavors,
and as a sensitizer in color-bleaching processes in color photography

anchored catalysti

anchored catalyst See immobilized catalyst

anchimeric assistance

anchimeric assistance [ORG CHEM] The participation by a neighboring group in the
rate-determining step of a reaction; most often encountered in reactions of carboca-
tion intermediates. Also known as neighboring-group participation


anatabine [ORG CHEM]C10H12N2 An alkaloid found in tobacco