In this site we focused on the the areas of science incluod analytical chemisty, general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and spectroscopy.(Online Chemistry Dictionary )

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In this site we focused on the the areas of science incluod analytical chemisty, general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and spectroscopy.(Online Chemistry Dictionary )


atomic fluorescence spectroscopy

atomic fluorescence spectroscopy [SPECT] A form of atomic spectroscopy in which the sample atoms are first excited by absorbing radiation from an external source containing the element to be detected, and the intensity of radiation emitted at characteristic wavelengths during transitions of these atoms back to the ground state is observed. { ə¦ta¨m ik flu˙ ¦res əns spek tra¨s kə pe¯...

atomic emission spectroscopy [SPECT] A form of atomic spectroscopy in which one observes the emission of light at discrete wavelengths by atoms which have been electronically excited by collisions with other atoms and molecules in a hot gas. { ə¦ta¨m ik ə¦mish ən spek tra¨s kə pe¯...

atomic absorption spectroscopy

atomic absorption spectroscopy [SPECT] An instrumental technique for detecting concentrations of atoms to parts per million by measuring the amount of light absorbed by atoms or ions vaporized in a flame or an electrical furnace. { ə¦ta¨ mik əb¦so¨ rp shən spek tra¨s kə pe¯...

atom cluster

atom cluster [PHYS CHEM] An assembly of between three and a few thousand atoms or molecules that are weakly bound together and have properties intermediate between those of the isolated atom or molecule and the bulk or solid-state material. { ad əm kləs tər...


atom [CHEM] The individual structure which constitutes the basic unit of any chemical element. { ad əm...


atactic [ORG CHEM] Of the configuration for a polymer, having the opposite steric configurations for the carbon atoms of the polymer chain occur in equal frequency and more or less at random. { a¯ tak tik...

asymmetry effect

asymmetry effect [PHYS CHEM] The asymmetrical distribution of the ion cloud around an ion that results from the finite relaxation time for the ion cloud when a voltage is applied; leads to a reduction in ion mobility. { a¯ sim ə tre¯ i fekt...


asymmetry [PHYSCHEM] The geometrical design of a molecule, atom, or ion that cannot be divided into like portions by one or more hypothetical planes. Also known as molecular asymmetry. { ¦a¯ sim ə trə...

asymmetric synthesis

asymmetric synthesis [ORG CHEM] Chemical synthesis of a pure enantiomer, or of an enantiomorphic mixture in which one enantiomer predominates, without the use of resolution. { ¦a¯ sə¦me trik sin thə səs...

asymmetric carbon atom

asymmetric carbon atom [ORG CHEM] A carbon atom with four different atoms or groups of atoms bonded to it. Also known as chiral carbon atom; stereogenic center. { ¦a¯ sə¦me trik ¦ka¨ r bən ad əm...

astronomical spectroscopy

astronomical spectroscopy [SPECT] The use of spectrographs in conjunction with telescopes to obtain observational data on the velocities and physical conditions of astronomical objects. { as trə na¨m ə kəl spek tra¨s kə pe¯...


astatine [CHEM] A radioactive chemical element, symbol At, atomic number 85, the heaviest of the halogen elements. { as tə te¯n...


Astage [ORG CHEM] An early stage in a thermosetting resin reaction characterized by linear structure, solubility, and fusibility of the material. { a¯ sta¯j...

assay [ANALY CHEM] Qualitative or quantitative determination of the components of a material, as an ore or a drug. { a sa¯...


aspartame [ORG CHEM] C14H18N2O5 A dipeptide ester about 160 times sweeter than sucrose in aqueous solution; used as a low-calorie sweetener. { a spa¨ r ta¯m...


ashing [ANALY CHEM] An analytical process in which the chemical material being analyzed is oven-heated to leave only noncombustible ash. { ash iŋ...


ash [CHEM] The incombustible matter remaining after a substance has been incinerated. { ash...

ascending chromatography

ascending chromatography [ANALY CHEM] A technique for the analysis of mixtures of two or more compounds in which the mobile phase (sample and carrier) rises through the fixed phase. { ə send iŋ kro¯ mə ta¨g rə fe¯...


asarone [ORG CHEM] C12H16O3 A crystalline substance with melting point 67 C; insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol; found in plants of the genus Asarum; used as a constituent in essential oils such as calumus oil. { as ə ro¯n...


aryne [ORG CHEM] An aromatic species in which two adjacent atoms of a ring lack substituents, with two orbitals each missing an electron. Also known as benzyne. { a rı¯n...

aryloxy compound

aryloxy compound [ORG CHEM] One of a group of compounds useful as organic weed killers, such as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). { ¦ar əl¦a¨ k se¯ ka¨m pau˙ nd...


arylide [ORG CHEM] A compound formed from a metal and an aryl group, for example, PbR4, where R is the aryl group. { ar ə lı¯d...


arylene [ORG CHEM] A radical that is bivalent and formed by removal of hydrogen from two carbon sites on an aromatic nucleus. { ar ə le¯n...


aryl diazo compound

aryl diazo compound [ORG CHEM] A diazo compound bonded to the ring structure characteristic of benzene or any other aromatic derivative. { arəl dı¯a¯ zo¯ ka¨mpau˙ nd...

aryl compound

aryl compound [ORG CHEM] Molecules with the six-carbon aromatic ring structure characteristic of benzene or compounds derived from aromatics. { arəl ka¨mpau˙ nd...


arylamine [ORG CHEM] An organic compound formed from an aromatic hydrocarbon that has at least one amine group joined to it, such as aniline. { arələme¯n...


arsonium [INORG CHEM] AsH4 A radical which may be considered analogous to the ammonium radical in that a compound such as AsH4OH may form. { a¨ rso¯ ne¯ əm...

arsonic acid

arsonic acid [INORG CHEM] An acid derived from orthoarsenic acid, OAs(OH)3; the type formula is generally considered to be RAsO(OH)2; an example is para-aminobenzenearsonic acid, NH2C6H4AsO(OH)2. {a¨ r¦sa¨nik asəd...

arsinic acid

arsinic acid [INORG CHEM] An acid of general formula R2AsO2H; derived from trivalent arsenic; an example is cacodylic acid, or dimethylarsinic acid, (CH3)2AsO2H. { a¨ r¦sin ik asəd...

arseno compound

arseno compound [ORGCHEM] A compound containing an As-As bond with the general formula (RAs)n, where R represents a functional group; structures are cyclic or longchain polymers. { a¨ rs ən o¯ ka¨m pau˙ nd...


arsenobenzene [ORG CHEM] C6H5As:AsC6H5 White needles that melt at 212 C; insoluble in cold water, soluble in benzene; derivatives have some use in medicine. { a¨ rs ən o¯ ben ze¯n...


arsenite [INORG CHEM] 1. AsO3-3 A negative ion derived from aqueous solutions of As4O6. 2. A salt or ester of arsenious acid. { a¨ r sə nı¯t...

arseno compound

arseno compound [ORGCHEM] A compound containing an As-As bond with the general formula (RAs)n, where R represents a functional group; structures are cyclic or longchain polymers. { a¨ rs ən o¯ ka¨m pau˙ nd...


arsenobenzene [ORG CHEM] C6H5As:AsC6H5 White needles that melt at 212 C; insoluble in cold water, soluble in benzene; derivatives have some use in medicine. { a¨ rs ən o¯ ben ze¯n...


arsenite [INORG CHEM] 1. AsO3-3 A negative ion derived from aqueous solutions of As4O6. 2. A salt or ester of arsenious acid. { a¨ r sə nı¯t...


arsenin [ORG CHEM] A heterocyclic organic compound composed of a six-membered ring system in which the carbon atoms are unsaturated and the unique heteroatom is arsenic, with no nitrogen atoms present. { a¨ r sen ən...


arsenide [CHEM] A binary compound of negative, trivalent arsenic; for example, H3As or GaAs. { a¨ rs ən ı¯d...

arsenic trisulfide

arsenic trisulfide [INORG CHEM] As2S3 An acidic compound in the form of yellow or red monoclinic crystals with a melting point at 300 C; occurs as the mineral orpiment; used as a pigment. { a¨ rs ən ik tri səl fı¯d...

arsenic trioxide

arsenic trioxide [INORG CHEM] As2O3 A toxic compound, slightly soluble in water; octahedral crystals change to the monoclinic form by heating at 200 C; occurs naturally as arsenolite and claudetite; used in small quantities in some medicinal preparations. Also known as arsenic oxide; arsenious acid. { a¨ rs ən ik tri a¨ k sı¯d...

arsenic trichloride

arsenic trichloride [INORG CHEM] AsCl3 An oily, colorless liquid that dissolves in water; used in ceramics, organic chemical syntheses, and in the preparation of pharmaceuticals. { a¨ rs ən ik tri klo˙ r ı¯d...

arsenic pentoxide

arsenic pentoxide [INORG CHEM] As2 O5 A white, deliquescent compound that decomposes by heat and is soluble in water. Also known as arsenic oxide. { a¨ rs ən ik pent a¨ k sı¯d...

arsenic pentasulfide

arsenic pentasulfide [INORG CHEM] As2 S5 Yellow crystals that are insoluble in water and readily decompose to the trisulfide and sulfur; used as a pigment. { a¨ rs ən ik pent ə səl fı¯d...

arsenic disulfide

arsenic disulfide [INORG CHEM] As2 S2 Red, orange, or black monoclinic crystals, insoluble in water; used in fireworks; occurs naturally as realgar. { a¨ rs ən ik dı¯ səl fı¯d...

arsenic acid

arsenic acid [INORG CHEM] H3AsO41/2H2O White, poisonous crystals, soluble in water and alcohol; used in manufacturing insecticides, glass, and arsenates and as a defoliant. Also known as orthoarsenic acid. { a¨ rsenik asəd...


arsenic [CHEM] A chemical element, symbol As, atomic number 33, atomic weight 74.9216. { a¨ rsənik...


arsenate [INORG CHEM] 1. AsO4 3 A negative ion derived from orthoarsenic acid, H3AsO41/2H2O. 2. A salt or ester of arsenic acid. { a¨ rsəna¯t...

Arrhenius equation

Arrhenius equation [PHYS CHEM] The relationship that the specific reaction rate constant k equals the frequency factor constant s times exp (Hact /RT), where Hact is the heat of activation, R the gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. { arra¯  ne¯ əs ikwa¯ zhən...

aromatic nucleus

aromatic nucleus [ORG CHEM] The six-carbon ring characteristic of benzene and related series, or condensed six-carbon rings of naphthalene, anthracene, and so forth. { ¦ar ə¦mad ik nu¨ kle¯ əs...

aromatic hydrocarbon

aromatic hydrocarbon [ORG CHEM] A member of the class of hydrocarbons, of which benzene is the first member, consisting of assemblages of cyclic conjugated carbon atoms and characterized by large resonance energies. Also known as arene. { ¦ar ə¦mad ik ¦hı¯ drə ka¨ r bən...


aromatic alcohol

aromatic alcohol [ORG CHEM] Any of the compounds containing the hydroxyl group in a side chain to a benzene ring, such as benzyl alcohol. { ¦ar ə¦mad ik al kə ho˙ l...


aromatic [ORG CHEM] 1. Pertaining to or characterized by the presence of at least one benzene ring. 2. Describing those compounds having physical and chemical properties resembling those of benzene. { ¦ar ə¦mad ik...

Arndt-Eistert synthesis

Arndt-Eistert synthesis [ORG CHEM] A method of increasing the length of an aliphatic acid by one carbon by reacting diazomethane with acid chloride. { ¦a¨ rnt ¦ı¯ stərt sin thə səs...

armchair nanotube

armchair nanotube [PHYS CHEM] A carbon nanotube formed from a graphite sheet that is rolled up so that the edge is in the shape of armchairs. { a¨rm cha¯ r nan o¯ tu¨b...

aristolochic acid

aristolochic acid [ORG CHEM] C17H11NO7 Crystals in the form of shiny brown leaflets that decompose at 281–286 C; soluble in alcohol, chloroform, acetone, ether, acetic acid, and aniline; used as an aromatic bitter. Also known as aristolochine. { ə¦ris tə¦la¨ k ik as əd...


argon [CHEM] A chemical element, symbol Ar, atomic number 18, atomic weight 39.998. { ar ga¨n...


argentometry [ANALY CHEM] A volumetric analysis that employs precipitation of insoluble silver salts; the salts may be chromates or chlorides. { a¨ r jən ta¨m ə tre¯...


argentocyanides [INORG CHEM] Complexes formed, for example, in the cyanidation of silver ores and in electroplating, when silver cyanide reacts with solutions of soluble metal cyanides. Also known as dicyanoargentates. { a¨ r jen to¯ sı¯ ə nı¯dz...


arecoline [ORG CHEM] C8H13O2N An alkaloid from the betel nut; an oily, colorless liquid with a boiling point of 209 C; soluble in water, ethanol, and ether; combustible; used as a medicine. { ə rek ə le¯n...

arc spectrum

arc spectrum [SPECT] The spectrum of a neutral atom, as opposed to that of a molecule or an ion; it is usually produced by vaporizing the substance in an electric arc; designated by the roman numeral I following the symbol for the element, for example, HeI. { a¨ rk spek trəm...


arbutin [ORG CHEM] C12H16O7 A bitter glycoside from the bearberry and certain other plants; sometimes used as a urinary antiseptic. { a¨ r byu¨ t ən...


aralkyl [ORG CHEM] A radical in which an aryl group is substituted for an alkyl H atom. Derived from arylated alkyl. { a ral kil...


arabitol [ORG CHEM] CH2OH(CHOH)3CH2OH An alcohol that is derived from arabinose; a sweet, colorless crystalline material present in D and L forms; soluble in water; melts at 103 C. Also known as arabite. { ə rab ə to˙ l...


aquation [CHEM] Formation of a complex that contains water by replacement of other coordinated groups in the complex. { ə kwa¯ shən...

aqua regia

aqua regia [INORG CHEM] A fuming, highly corrosive, volatile liquid with a suffocating odor made by mixing 1 part concentrated nitric acid and 3 parts concentrated hydrochloric acid; reacts with all metals, including silver and gold. { ¦a¨ k wə re¯ jə...


aquametry [ANALY CHEM] Analytical processes to measure the water present in materials; methods include Karl Fischer titration, reactions with acid chlorides and anhydrides, oven drying, distillation, and chromatography. { ə kwa¨m ə tre¯...


apodization [SPECT] A mathematical transformation carried out on data received from an interferometer to alter the instrument’s response function before the Fourier transformation is calculated to obtain the spectrum. { a pə də za¯ shən...


apoatropine [ORG CHEM] C17H21NO2 An alkaloid melting at 61 C with decomposition of the compound; highly toxic; obtained by dehydrating atropine. { ap o¯ a trə pe¯n...


apo- [CHEM] A prefix that denotes formation from or relationship to another chemical compound. { ap o¯ or ap ə...

anti-Stokes lines

anti-Stokes lines [SPECT] Lines of radiated frequencies which are higher than the frequency of the exciting incident light. { an te¯ sto¯ ks lı¯nz...


antioxidant [PHYS CHEM] A substance that, when present at a lower concentration than that of the oxidizable substrate, significantly inhibits or delays oxidative processes, while being itself oxidized. In primary antioxidants, antioxidative activity is implemented by the donation of an electron or hydrogen atom to a radical derivative, and in secondary antioxidants by the removal of an oxidative...

antimony trisulfide

antimony trisulfide [INORG CHEM] Sb2S3 Black and orange-red rhombic crystals; soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid and sulfide solutions, insoluble in water; melting point 546 C; used as a pigment, and in matches and pyrotechnics. { an tə mo¯ ne¯ trı¯ səl fı¯d...

antimony trichloride

antimony trichloride [INORG CHEM] SbCl3 Hygroscopic, colorless, crystalline mass; fumes slightly in air, is soluble in alcohol and acetone, and forms antimony oxychloride in water; used as a mordant, as a chlorinating agent, and in fireproofing textiles. { an tə mo¯ ne¯ trı¯ klo˙ r ı¯d...

antimony pentasulfide

antimony pentasulfide [INORG CHEM] Sb2S5 An orange-yellow powder; soluble in alkali, soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid, with hydrogen sulfide as a by-product, and insoluble in water; used as a red pigment. Also known as antimony persulfide; antimony red; golden antimony sulfide. { an tə mo¯ ne¯ pent ə səl fı¯d...

antimony pentafluoride

antimony pentafluoride [INORG CHEM] SbF5 A corrosive, hygroscopic, moderately viscous fluid; reacts violently with water; forms a clear solution with glacial acetic acid; used in the fluorination of organic compounds. { an tə mo¯ ne¯ pent ə flu˙ r ı¯d...

antimony pentachloride

antimony pentachloride [INORG CHEM] SbCl5 A reddish-yellow, oily liquid; hygroscopic, it solidifies after moisture is absorbed and decomposes in excess water; soluble in hydrochloric acid and chloroform; used in analytical testing for cesium and alkaloids, for dyeing, and as an intermediary in synthesis. Also known as antimony perchloride. { an tə mo¯ ne¯ pent ə klo˙ r ı¯d...


antimonide [INORG CHEM] A binary compound of antimony with a more positive compound, for example, H5Sb. Also known as stibide. { an tə mə nı¯d...


antimonate [CHEM] The radical [Sb(OH)6] in salts derived from antimony pentoxide, Sb4O10, and bases. { an tə mə na¯t...


antifreeze [CHEM] A substance added to a liquid to lower its freezing point; the principal automotive antifreeze component is ethylene glycol. { an te¯ fre¯z...

antifoaming agent

antifoaming agent [ORG CHEM] A substance, such as silicones, organic phosphates, and alcohols, that inhibits the formation of bubbles in a liquid during its agitation by reducing its surface tension. { ¦an te¯ ¦fo¯m iŋ a¯ jənt...


anticatalyst [CHEM] A material that slows down the action of a catalyst; an example is lead, which inhibits the action of platinum. { ¦an te¯ kad əl ist...


antiaromatic [CHEM] A cyclic compound with delocalized electrons that does not obey Hu¨ ckel’s rule, and is much less stable than similar nonaromatic compounds. { an te¯ ar ə mad ik...


anti [ORG CHEM] In stereochemistry, on the opposite side of a reference plane; for example, the stereochemical outcome of an addition reaction where the new bonds are on the opposite side of the original pi bond is called anti addition. { an te¯...


anthrone [ORG CHEM] C14H10O Colorless needles with a melting point of 156 C; soluble in alcohol, benzene, and hot sodium hydroxide; used as a reagent for carbohydrates. { an thro¯n...


anthraquinone [ORG CHEM] C6H4(CO)2C6H4 Yellow crystalline diketone that is insoluble in water; used in the manufacture of dyes. { an thrə kwi no¯n...


anthrapurpurin [ORG CHEM] C6H3OH(CO)2C6H2(OH)2 Orange-yellow, crystalline needles with a melting point of 369 C; soluble in alcohol and alkalies; used in dyeing. { an thrə pər pə rin...

anthranilic acid

anthranilic acid [ORG CHEM] o-NH2C6H4COOH A white or pale yellow, crystalline acid melting at 146 C; used as an intermediate in the manufacture of dyes, pharmaceuticals, and perfumes. { ¦an thrə¦lin ik as əd...


anthracene [ORG CHEM] C14H10 A crystalline tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, colorless when pure, melting at 218 C and boiling at 342 C; obtained in the distillation of coal tar; used as an important source of dyestuffs, and in coating applications. { an thrə se¯n...


antarafacial [ORG CHEM] The stereochemistry when, simultaneously, two sigma bonds are formed or broken on the opposite faces of the component pi systems, such as in a cycloaddition reaction. { an tə rə fa¯ shəl...


anomer [ORG CHEM] One of a pair of isomers of cyclic carbohydrates; resulting from creation of a new point of symmetry when a rearrangement of the atoms occurs at the aldehyde or ketone position. { an ə mər...

anomalous Zeeman effect

anomalous Zeeman effect [SPECT] A type of splitting of spectral lines of a light source in a magnetic field which occurs for any line arising from a combination of terms of multiplicity greater than one; due to a nonclassical magnetic behavior of the electron spin. { ə na¨m ə ləs za¯ ma¨n i fekt...


anolyte [CHEM] The part of the electrolyte at or near the anode that is changed in composition by the reactions at the anode. { an ə lı¯t...

anode effect

anode effect [PHYS CHEM] A condition produced by polarization of the anode in the electrolysis of fused salts and characterized by a sudden increase in voltage and a corresponding decrease in amperage. { a no¯d i fekt...


annulene [ORG CHEM] One of a group of monocyclic conjugated hydrocarbons which have the general formula [ CH CH ]n. { an yə le¯n...


anisole [ORG CHEM] C6H5OCH3 A colorless liquid that is soluble in ether and alcohol, insoluble in water; boiling point is 155 C; vapors are highly toxic; used as a solvent and in perfumery. { an ə so¯ l...

anisic alcohol

anisic alcohol [ORG CHEM] C8H10O2 A colorless liquid that boils in the range 255–265 C; it is obtained by reduction of anisic aldehyde; used in perfumery, and as an intermediate in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. { ə nis ik al kə ho˙ l...

anisic acid

anisic acid [ORG CHEM] CH3OC6H4COOH White crystals or powder with a melting point of 184 C; soluble in alcohol and ether; used in medicine and as an insect repellent and ovicide. { ə nis ik as əd...


anisaldehyde [ORG CHEM] C6H4(OCH3)CHO A compound with melting point 2.5 C, boiling point 249.5 C; insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether; used in perfumery and flavoring, and as an intermediate in production of antihistamines. { ¦a nəs al də hı¯d...


anionotropy [CHEM] The breaking off of an ion such as hydroxyl or bromide from a molecule so that a positive ion remains in a state of dynamic equilibrium. { ¦a nı¯ ə na¨ trə pe¯...

anionic polymerization

anionic polymerization [ORG CHEM] A type of polymerization in which Lewis bases, such as alkali metals and metallic alkyls, act as catalysts. { ¦a nı¯¦a¨n ik pə lim ə rə za¯ shən...